
Me llamo Samuel y soy de Mexico, quiero recomendarles esta escuela, ya que yo he aprendido ingles en tan poco tiempo. En mi caso yo estudie los 3 cursos: Gramatica, Pronunciacion y Conversacion. Particularmente la forma en que el maestro te enseña es muy rapida y comprensible, ademas cada dia corregía todos mi errores y asi aprendia mas rapido. Tambien hubo dias en los que conviviamos o haciamos actividades fuera de la escuela, con el fin de conocer la vida cotidiana de los canadienses; me gusto mucho porque conoci muchos amigos de otros paises y al final del curso me di cuenta que tambien conocia otros tipos de cultura, algo que me llamo la atencion fue que el grupo de estudiantes es muy reducido, asi que el maestro se enfocaba en cada estudiante. me di cuenta que al final podia hablar y comprender todo.





My name is Samuel and I’m from Mexico, I would recommend this school because I learned English so quickly. In my case I studied the 3 courses: grammar, pronunciation and conversation. Particularly the way the teacher teaches you is very fast and understandable, plus every day correcting all my mistakes and also learned faster. There were also days when you lived together or we were doing activities outside of school, in order to know the daily life of Canadians, I loved it because I met many friends from other countries and at the end of the course I realized that I also knew other culture, something that caught my attention was that the student group is very small, so the teacher focused on each student. I realized that in the end could speak and understand everything.




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